Pioneering V2G projects are delivering cutting-edge insights through learning by doing. Come take a look.
V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) is a bi-directional charging technology which enables energy to be passed to and from an EV battery. V2X encompasses all forms of EV energy transfer including Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), Vehicle-to-Building (V2B), Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Load (V2L). So EVs, which are stationary most of the time, can be used to store energy and then use it later to power electrical devices in your home, office buildings, or the grid.
Go to services Go to FAQThe starting point for the V2G hub was mapping out V2G projects around the world. Our criterion for inclusion was physical deployment of V2G technology for a specific use case. This excluded experimental research and narrow technology demonstration.
Go to projects mapThis short video explains which information is available on v2g-hub, and how to access it.
In this V2G hub the current global overview and corresponding key insights of V2G projects around the world are shown. What projects are out there? We have surveyed the literature and existing projects. We encourage you to update our list of projects. Is your project missing or do you want to update a project?
Go to our contact page Go to insightsA jointly commissioned report by UK Power Networks and Innovate UK, both at the forefront of V2G demonstration. Its goal is to equip distribution system operators (DSOs) and market participants with the latest intelligence on the value and challenges of V2G.
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