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The BloRin project (Blockchain for the decentralized management of Renewables) aims to create a technological platform based on the blockchain for the dissemination of renewable energy and the management of energy exchanges. This platform will help the creation and dissemination of solar Smart Communities and will be able to encourage interactions between producers / consumers, the "prosumers", manage electric vehicle charging infrastructures in V2G mode and coordinate exchanges with the energy distributor electric. Blockchain technology will be used to manage energy exchanges between prosumers, to aggregate them, to provide balancing services. The tests are being carried out on the Mediterranean islands of Favignana and Lampedusa and at the University of Palermo campus.

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Italy (IT)


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2019 Fill 1Created with Sketch. 2022

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Lead partner

University of Palermo

  • Regalgrid Europe
  • SEA Favignana
  • SELIS Lampedusa

Focus: Technical & Social

Segment: Individual

Charging location: Work

Tech: The focus of the project is the integration of the V2G charger in the BLORIN blockchain platform for energy resources management, rather than on the creation of fleet of vehicles.

Charger Type: DC


  • Frequency
  • Reserve
  • Arbitrage
  • Distribution
  • Time shifting
    for energy users
  • Emergency

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