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Chubu Electric Power toyota v2g pilot


In Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, Toyota Tsusho Corporation (hereinafter “Toyota Tsusho”) and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc (hereinafter “Chubu Electric Power”) will initiate charging and discharging demonstrations with storage batteries of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles (hereinafter “EVs/PHVs”), using mechanism called Vehicle to Grid (“V2G”). The demonstration will survey how excel the ability of V2G system to balance demand and supply of electricity is and what impacts V2G has on the power grid. In addition to ordinal usage of EVs/PHVs such as by transportation, the group seeks to produce new values of EVs/PHVs by providing V2G services even when EVs/PHVs are parked. The use of renewable energies such as solar and wind, which are influenced by weather conditions, looks set to increase, and there will consequently be instability in the amount of power generated, depending on the time of day, season, and prevailing weather conditions. As a result, both a fluctuation of renewable energy output and surplus power generation will become major issues in the future. V2G technologies provide balancing control power to adjust the instability caused by a variability of renewable energy output; they also can be used to shift supply capacity by storing surplus power and sending this back to the power grid at times when there is greater demand for electricity.

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Japan (JP)


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Lead partner

  • Toyota

Charger Type: DC


  • Frequency
  • Reserve
  • Arbitrage
  • Distribution
  • Time shifting
    for energy users
  • Emergency

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